Congratulations Christine

You are eligible to purchase the following items as a record of your achievement on your completed MOOC courses.

Understanding Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - September 2020

Personalised & uniquely encoded certificate


  • Your name and a unique certificate number
  • The course hours
  • Summary of course content areas


  • A permanent, lasting record of the content you have studied
  • Useful for continuing professional development (CPD) records
  • May be used in your CV, practice portfolio, or in employment applications
  • Help support the University of Tasmania’s MOOCs so they can continue to remain free and of the highest quality, benefitting the many thousands that access them each year

Name On Certificate will be replaced with your name.

Purchase Below

Select which item you wish to purchase:

Understanding Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - September 2020


TOTAL $0.00

Your Details

Please enter your details below or change them if they are incorrect:

This is how your name will appear on the certificate. Please edit above if change required.

Christine Cross